Your Future Family Starts Here

Utah Surrogacy Center is one of the leading egg donation and surrogacy agencies in the United States, committed to building happy families around the world.

Surrogacy in Utah

Gestational Surrogacy is permitted by Utah Code Ann. § 78B-15-801 (2008), which permits gestational surrogacy for married intended parents.

There are many reasons why Utah is a great place to pursue surrogacy to build your family. The state has a long history of supporting families through surrogacy. In fact, Utah was one of the first states to legalize surrogacy in the 1980's.

The state's laws are very surrogacy-friendly. Surrogacy is legal in Utah, and the state has a number of laws in place to protect both the surrogate and the intended parents.

Utah is also home to a number of excellent fertility clinics and reproductive endocrinologists. This means that you'll have access to the best possible care throughout your surrogacy journey.

If you are considering surrogacy to build your family, Utah is a great place to pursue it and we are here to guide you on your journey.

Intended Parents

Supporting your journey to parenthood.

Becoming a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. But for some, the traditional path to parenthood – through pregnancy and childbirth – is not possible. Fortunately, there is another way to become a parent..

Surrogacy is a wonderful option for those who are unable to have children of their own. It allows them to experience the joys of parenthood without having to go through the challenges of pregnancy and childbirth.

The surrogacy process can be an emotionally and financially challenging journey, but it is also an incredibly rewarding one. It is important to do your research and work with a reputable surrogacy agency to find the right surrogate for your family.

If you are considering surrogacy, we encourage you to reach out to us. We are here to answer any questions you may have and help you on your journey to parenthood.


Surrogacy can be an incredibly fulfilling experience, both for intended parents and surrogates.

Becoming a surrogate mother is a big decision. It's a big commitment of time, energy and emotion. But it's also an incredibly rewarding experience.

At our agency, we work with surrogates from all over the United States. We have a rigorous screening process to make sure that our surrogates are physically and emotionally ready for the journey ahead.

We provide comprehensive support to our surrogates throughout the entire process. We're with you every step of the way, from the initial screening and matching process through to the birth of the baby.

We believe that the best surrogate are those who have a strong support system in place. That's why we work closely with your family and friends throughout the journey.

Becoming a surrogate is an amazing act of kindness. It's an opportunity to change a life, and to make a dream come true. If you're considering becoming a surrogate, we'd love to talk to you.


Kind words from our intended parents and surrogates.

Start your future family today.

Committed to providing you guidance and full support throughout your surrogacy journey.

We work closely with intended parents to ensure that they are matched with the perfect surrogate for their journey. We take into account all of the factors that are important to them, including medical history, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

We believe that the best way to achieve a successful surrogacy journey is to have a close and supportive relationship between the surrogate and the intended parents. Our agency provides ongoing support and guidance to both parties throughout the entire process.

We are committed to providing the highest level of care and support to our surrogates and intended parents. We know that this is a life-changing experience for everyone involved, and we are here to help make it as positive and successful as possible.


years of experience


babies born


success rate


months waiting time

Start your journey today

Experience professional third party reproduction services with a trusted and established egg donor and surrogacy agency in Utah.

+1 385-855-2687

50 W Broadway #700

Salt Lake City

UT 84101, United Stated

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